Allow Yourself To Flourish

A Journey of Inner Healing

Supporting you to heal from your past conditioning & trauma to enable the creation of new empowering beliefs, thoughts & behaviours.
Inspiring you to embrace the present & look to the future, knowing that you are armed with the tools, confidence, strength & emotional resilience for whatever is next on your journey.

Work With Me

Intuitive Energy Healing

Awakened Heart & Mind Therapy

1:1 coaching & therapy – for trauma, anxiety, self-worth, & changing behaviours – clearing emotions & reconnecting with yourself for lasting change.


1:1 day of transformation & healing 

Hi, I am Joanne!

I am an Empowerment Therapist & Energy Psychologist – my purpose is to guide you on a healing journey to heal your wounds & find the most authentic version of your true self again.

Think of me as your ‘inner mentor’ as my therapies guide you on an intuitive journey back to your true self & who you came here to be.

I uniquely connect you back with your heart, body mind & soul as we intentionally re-wire your mind, re-frame your memories & emotions & then more importantly find the answers from within to what you will have been searching for externally.

I have been where you are now wondering it you can ever heal and feel different to what you do now…

I had a number of years of ‘traumatic’ events – childhood family trauma, divorce, the loss of two children and a string of controlling relationships – I was left wondering exactly what else life was going to deal me and with my self-worth at zero.  When I turned 40 that’s when my healing journey started and I realised that I had the power to make a change and to heal myself. I wasn’t going to be defined by the trauma and I needed to change my story I was telling myself and heal the wounds that the traumatic events had left behind.

That’s what I am here to help you with. I counsel you back to finding your true self again, the version of yourself you have supressed for so long. 

I fully empower you to embody the healing & action you need for a more fulfilled life by working through your inner limitations, gain clarity on your life purpose and create a strategy for your success.

I am a Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line®  Therapy & Hypnotherapy Practitioner as well as a Master Spiritual Life Coach, Energy Psychologist  & Reiki Energy Healing Practitioner.  I intuitively use a mixture of all these therapies based on your needs to energetically connect with you & support your connection back into yourself to create lasting change with clarity, confidence & a clear direction.


Joanne’s ability to release emotional tension and negativity is astounding. The result is beyond explanation, but suffice to say I have been converted.

The therapy sessions bought up so many deep rooted beliefs & anxities – some I knew, others I never even realised!  The healing was amazing & a safe place to be guided back to feeling me again.

Thank you Joanne for the reiki treatment. I feel more balanced and grounded now.



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