Intuitive Reiki Healing

Rebalance your mind, body & soul to create a sense of relaxation & healing.

1 Hour Reiki Session – £55

What Is Reiki?

Reiki creates a space for you to come and be held in a place of love and is a beautiful therapy to help you reconnect back within yourself.

‘Feeling’ this beautiful energy of healing really is believing and will leave you in state of deep relaxation.

Reiki (ray-key) is an ancient Tibetan form of therapeutic touch, rediscovered in the 1900’s by Dr. Mikao Usui.

This wonderful healing technique draws on two forms of vibrational energy: Rei – the highest and purest form (not visible to the naked eye) and Ki – the energy that sustains, supports and surrounds all forms of life. These combined energies (Reiki) are known as Universal Life Force Energy.

This system of healing is gentle and non-intrusive and is safe for all ages including babies, children, those who are pregant and the elderly. It can be given lying, sitting or from a distance. 

Reiki is channeled through a practioner who has been tuned into the energy frequency.  Not only is it a relaxing holistic therapy, but also encourages personal and spiritual growth. 

Our Energy Centres – Chakras

Each of the chakras is related to, and connected with, different parts of the body, all of which perform a wide variety of both spiritual and physical functions.

Aligned from the base of the spine to up through the crown of the head, the Chakras align to create a flowing energetic current. 

In Sandscript, Chakra means wheel or disc and this serves to describe the spinning motion that Chakras employ to store, regulate and distribute Ki (life force energy) into auric and physical bodies.

What Are The Benefits of Reiki?


Promotes A Sense of Wellbeing, Relaxation & Clarity

You will feel lighter and have mental clarity so that you can reconnect with yourself more easily and on a deeper level. An hours Reiki treatment is worth 3-4 hours of deep rest! 


Healing For The Mind, Body & Soul

Due to the change in brainwaves when we are in a deeply relaxed state and re-balance our energy – Reiki reduces the symptoms of  migraines, mood swings, fear, anger, depression, skin conditions, menstrual and menopause symptoms and insomnia.


Releases Tension, Stresses & Anxiety

Whatever life has thrown at you – by unblocking the energy centres means that positive energy can flow to the relevant parts of the body to alleviate pain.  By quietening your mind you can reconnect with yourself and enjoy the peace and quiet while being held in a space of love and relaxation. 


Unblocks Your Energy Flow

By unblocking your energy centres you stimulate the bodies natural healing ability – restoring harmony & balance on a physical, emotional, mental & Spiritual level.

What To Expect During A Reiki Session?

Reiki creates a space for you to come and be held in a place of love and relaxation.

Reiki is carried out either seated or lying down and you can stay fully clothed, as the treatment passes through all materials.

At the start of the session we set an intention and chat through any symptoms you have been having and then if required I take you on a short guided meditation.  

Throughout the treatment I then place my hands over different areas of your bod, generally there is no contact or massage manipulation made unless it is needed to help with the energy flow.

At the end of the session we discuss any areas or blockages that I found and discuss what you felt during the treatment. 

Aftercare advice is given and if required advice on the frequency of treatments and regular maintenance sessions.

As the energy flows you may feel during the session minor tingling, warmth, coolness, other sensations, or nothing at all – some people actually fall asleep and this is okay too!   

The treatments can be given in-person of from a distance.


Joanne’s ability to release emotional tension and negativity is astounding. The result is beyond explanation, but suffice to say I have been converted.

The therapy sessions bought up so many deep rooted beliefs & anxities – some I knew, others I never even realised!  The healing was amazing & a safe place to be guided back to feeling me again.

Thank you Joanne for the reiki treatment. I feel more balanced and grounded now.

Booking Online

60 Minutes


A 60 minute in-person intuitive Reiki Session – at the Stratford-Upon-Avon clinic:

– Intention setting at the start of the session
– Short guided meditation at the start of the session
– Intuitive guidance & discussion at the end of the treatment.
– Aftercare Advice.

Distance Treatments

From £30

Energy Healing in the comfort of your own home!

– Intention setting done via message.
– Time of the session agreed & you can relax at home.
– Short guided meditation & music provided.
– Intuitive guidance provided after the session. 
– Aftercare Advice.

All treatments can be in-person at my therapy room in Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire or online via Zoom. 

Packages are available when sessions are bought in blocks – Click Here for more details. 



What Will I Feel During A Reiki Session?

As the energy flows you may feel  minor tingling, warmth, coolness, other sensations, or nothing at all – some people actually fall asleep and this is okay too! 

What Should I Wear for A Reiki Session?

Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and maybe layers in case you get hot during the treatment.  You will remove your shoes for the treatment.  

Blankets will be provided. 

Can Anyone Have a Reiki Treatment?

This is a gentle yet powerful energy healing that can be used safely by all ages, including the newborn, pregnant mothers, surgical patients and the elderly.

I have also treated animals to calm them during times of pain relief and for calming generally.

What Aftercare Advice Do I Need To Follow?

Aftercare Advice: 

In order to gain the maximum benefits from your treatment please follow the aftercare advice below:

  • Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine over the next three or more days to assist the cleansing process of the toxins that have been cleared during the treatment.
  • Eat light meals and include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Rest or sleep (if possible) for an hour or two after your treatment to assist the body’s innate healing to work at optimum level.
  • It may be that you feel a little more tired or get a headache and may even feel emotional – this will pass and is the body healing.

    If you are concerned please feel free to contact me.

How Long Should I Leave It Between Reiki Sessions?

We will discuss frequenecy of treatments and depending on your symptoms and intentions for the sessions it may be better to have these closer together to start with.  

It is also advised to come for regular maintenance sessions. 

Is Reiki Classed As A Medical Treatment?

Reiki therapists do not claim to heal, cure, diagnose, prescribe medication or offer a prognosis. As with all complementary therapies, Reiki should not be used as either a substitute for orthodox prescribed medication or instead of seeking professional advice in respect of any ailment.